Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the seventh weekend – Career Angels Blog


Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the seventh weekend – Career Angels Blog

Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the seventh weekend

Algorithms, automated recruitment processes, ATSs and bots constitute the everyday life of every candidate in the dynamically changing job market. A professional Career Consultant should be confident in this reality, as they must be aware of the digital trends and tools in order to be able to advise well and guide the client towards effectively achieving their goal. The seventh meeting of the Career Advisory postgraduate studies was dedicated to preparing an effective CV for ATS and to online image.

Preparing an effective CV for ATS

The first day of the seventh meeting was led by Anna Zadrożna who focused on the topic of creating an effective CV for ATS in order to pass through the Applicant Tracking System and thus generate job interviews. The day started out in a very practical manner with a speech given by our special guest Maciej Michalewski, CEO / Founder of Element who created ATS Element out of his passion for technology. Maciej presented the system from the inside and talked about its functionalities, from both the employer’s and the candidate’s perspective.

Later in the day, Anna discussed the tools used by both candidates (our clients) and the Consultants themselves – the so-called CV scanners: VMock, RezScore, ResumeWorded, SkillRoads, ResumeGo, Skillsyncer, Enhancv, CultivatedCulture, Resume.Shine. Using a specific example, she presented the functionality of JobScan, a platform that allows you to compare your CV to a selected job ad. The purpose of “scanning” is to check the extent to which the candidate matches the job ad through keywords. Thanks to this exercise, students experienced how important it is to add keywords from the ad in several strategic places in the CV. This affects the final match percentage. For example: a candidate with a match level of 34% (= delete) can become a candidate with a match level of 81% (= interview).

See also  Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the eighth weekend – Career Angels Blog

Online image

The second day of the seventh meeting was hosted by Anna Mady who explored the topic of online image – what it is and what impact it has on building a personal brand. A personal brand consists of many factors, according to the “Personal Branding” model, these include: reputation, competences, strategy, written communication, online presence, public speaking, range of contacts, etc.

When assessing an image (your own or the client’s), it is worth looking at the following categories:

  • Visibility → how easy is it to find you?
  • Networking → how many contacts (and followers) do you have?
  • Professionalism → what impression do you make?

Anna also conducted an exercise that allowed students to experience firsthand what impression they make on their potential clients. Later in the day, she discussed how to professionally build a profile on LinkedIn and what to pay attention to in the following elements:

  • link
  • first name and last name
  • background photo, profile photo
  • contact info
  • headline
  • profile summary
  • experience
  • education
  • other sections

She also mentioned useful functionalities of LinkedIn and how important it is for a Career Consultant to know what the Internet platforms can be used for, how they are used, and by which professional groups. Such platforms include: X (Twitter), TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, Xing, Twitch and GitHub.

Reflections after the seventh weekend

“This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for! It was a large dose of information on how to build a profile on LinekdIn. I got to know new sections and functions of the platform that I will now be able to use.”

“This meeting showed me that we are often unaware of the extent to which LinkedIn can be used. I can say from my own example that even though I have attended LinkedIn training before, I did not receive the same knowledge as here.”

“I gained a lot of useful knowledge, which I will first implement and practice on myself, through completing my LinkedIn profile.”

“After today’s meeting, I realized how important the synergy of a LinkedIn profile and accounts on other social media platforms is. I will look into this as I see potential in it for me as an expert.”

“I learned a lot about LinkedIn today and realized that it is a really powerful tool.”

“I realized that ATS tools can make work much more efficient.”

“This meeting made me reflect on ATS: on the one hand, it makes things easier for the recruiter, but on the other hand, it can be said that the ‘human factor’ of the recruitment process disappears; I realized that the job of career advisors is to get used to it and learn about new systems, as well as advise clients on ATS-related matters.”

We will keep you informed about the progress of our students, as well as the postgraduate studies themselves.

See also  Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the ninth weekend – Career Angels Blog

PS. Read more about the meeting:

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Originally posted 2024-03-20 18:08:14.

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